Visit WDG Public Health FAQ for additional information.
Please note that you should arrive no earlier than five (5) minutes prior to your appointment time, and only the person registered for the vaccines (and immediate care giver) may enter the clinic.
Q. Is Linamar Corporation running a vaccination clinic?
A. Yes, Linamar is honored to have the opportunity to support the community in which we live and work in collaboration with Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health in the efforts of Guelph’s COVID-19 mass vaccination.
Q. Where is the vaccination clinic set up?
A. Linamar has launched a vaccination clinic at the Customer Access Centre at Skyjack’s Plant 2 in Guelph as part of the Partner-led clinic program of Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health. The address is 201 Woodlawn Rd W, Guelph, ON N1H 1B8.
Q. What are the hours of operations?
The clinic has been fully operational since mid-March. The clinic is equipped to run 7 days a week, 9am to 9pm dependent on vaccine availability and by appointment only, please note that walk-ins cannot be accomodated. The clinic will be available to the entire Wellington Dufferin Guelph community, including of course Linamar employees and their families who meet the Province of Ontario’s Phased Vaccination eligibility criteria.
Q. How do I sign up to get the vaccine?
A. Wellington-Duffering-Guelph Public Health has opened pre-registration (by web or phone) for eligible individuals identified under the Province’s Framework for Vaccine Distribution. To determine if you are eligible and to pre-register, please visit the WDG Public Health website.
Website URL:
Phone: 1-844-780-0202. Mon-Fri, 8am-8pm
Alternatively, Linamar employees may contact their facility HR representative who can assist with the pre-registration process.
Note: It is recommended to also register at your locak pharmacy as availability may enable a quicker appointment time.
Q. Are there extra doses available at the edn of the day?
A. Should Extra doses be available, WDG Public Health will announce on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) the times and locations of the pop-up clinic(s)
Q. How do I register for a vaccine from a pharmacy?
A. No, Linamar employees and members of the community will all be prioritized for vaccination in accordance with the ministry’s prioritization plan.
Q. Will Linamar decide who gets the vaccine?
A. No, the government’s web posrtal system will automatically prioritize people per the vaccination plan, Linamar will have no role in the prioritizing or booking people to be vaccinated, we will simply be administering the vaccinations. Find out more.
Q. If I live outside the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Region, but work in Guelph. Can I get the vaccine in Guelph?
A. Currently, you can pre-register in Guelph if you work in Guelph but live outside the region. During the pre-registration process, ensure your work address is added as a secondary address in your profile.
Q. Will the clinic be staffed with Linamar employees? Who is giving the shots?
A. The clinic will be staffed with health care professionals from throughout the region as well as an enthusiastic group of volunteers, both from within our community and Linamar. All vaccinations are done by certified Ontario Health Professionals.
Q. Why should I get a vaccine?
A. The vaccines are the key tool to help stop the spread of the virus and allow the community to safely resume normal life. When a large percentage of the population becomes immune to COVID-19, the spread of the virus will slow down or stop; this is called herd immunity. We must all step up to get the vaccine in order to get to herd immunity as soon as possible. It is only then that we can safely resume normal life.
A. Yes, the vaccines are safe. After thorough scientific reviews for safety, efficacy and quality, Health Canada has approved five vaccines for use in Canada; Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson). Find out more.
Q. Which vaccines are going to be administered?
A. The clinic is currently set-up to administer both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines approved for use in Canada.
Q. Can youth receive the vaccine?
A. Yes, children aged 12-17 have been approved by the Ministry of Health to receive only the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The patient must be 12 at the time of the vaccine. More informayion can be found here.
Q. Is it safe to receive a different mRNA vaccine for my 2nd dose?
A. Yes, mixing mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for first and second doses has been approved by the Ministry of Health. It is recommended that you wait at least 28 days before your second dose. Find more information here.
Q. Is it safe to receive a different mRNA vaccine for my 2nd dose if I had AstraZeneca as my first?
A. Studies have shown that you can get either mRNA vaccine after your first dose being AstraZeneca. The minimum period between AstraZeneca and an mRNA vaccine is 8 weeks, however ir is recommended that you wait up to 12 weeks before receiving an mRNA caccine for the best efficacy. You can find more information here.
Q. If I want to volunteer, who do I talk to?
A. Anyone wishing to volunteer to help in the clinic should send an email to
Q. Where can I find more information?
A. Please visit:
- Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health
- Province of Ontario
- WDG Public Health – COVID-19 Vaccine Information for the Public
- WDG Public Health – Answers to your COVID-19 Vaccine Questions
Q. What should I do to prepare to get the vaccine?
A. To prepare for your appointment, please follow the advice of WDG Public Health.
Q. What protocols should I follow when accompanying someone that will be receiving the vaccine?
A. You will need to wear a two-layer disposable non-medical mask (no cloth masks), and follow the Vaccination Clinic COVID-19 protocols
For all other FAQs and resources please visit WDG Public Health.